Hmm... 1st, it was a dog. Now I have a Persian Cat to be given away... Thanks to Kenny who found it straying around his apartment. " Jie, can come and take the cat away ah....Don't have privacy la.." (Not the exact sentence, but thats what I understand). Kenny, what privacy you need from a cat? As if he/ she understands what you are doing. Maybe you should consider having it there to get rid of all the rats in your room. So now, later today, I need to go Cyberjaya, to get the cat, with the cat food and the litter box from Kenny and my mind is thinking now where to place this bugger..I need to find a home for it.. Pet shop perhaps? Somehow, what is it in store for me this year aside from being animal friendly? Since December, I have been getting really closely in touch with animals around me.. Monkeys, cows, dogs, dog and cat..What's next? A pig or a goat? "Meow, meow, meow...." How la... anyone wants a Persian Cat? FOC. Anyone??
Stories of a middle-child and the only girl among her siblings who no longer needs the attention. All I want is to know Him more.