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Showing posts from February, 2011

Cats & Dogs

Hmm... 1st, it was a dog. Now I have a Persian Cat to be given away... Thanks to Kenny who found it straying around his apartment. " Jie, can come and take the cat away ah....Don't have privacy la.." (Not the exact sentence, but thats what I understand). Kenny, what privacy you need from a cat? As if he/ she understands what you are doing. Maybe you should consider having it there to get rid of all the rats in your room. So now, later today, I need to go Cyberjaya, to get the cat, with the cat food and the litter box from Kenny and my mind is thinking now where to place this bugger..I need to find a home for it.. Pet shop perhaps? Somehow, what is it in store for me this year aside from being animal friendly? Since December, I have been getting really closely in touch with animals around me.. Monkeys, cows, dogs, dog and cat..What's next? A pig or a goat? "Meow, meow, meow...." How la... anyone wants a Persian Cat? FOC. Anyone??


2 more days to Valentine's Day, this year I am alone. I agreed that there's nothing much to be celebrated. Everything is over priced, food, flowers, chocolates... EVERYTHING. This year, I don't have anyone to celebrate together. Not that I celebrated last year, but i thought it will be nice to be reminded that someone out there loves you and care for you. It gives you this warm fuzzy feeling that someone actually adores you. Willing to spend a small fortune to make you happy, even just for a day. Looking at my friends and classmates, more and more of them are already married. My gran and mum, finally press the panic button, asking me when would it be my turn? Pestering on getting me a candidate. Can I just answer, "NEVER"? How I wish so. Haha.. poor gran and mum.. I asked them to bug Kenny instead. Maybe I can ask my mum to be my Valentine this year. Hehehe... do you think she will agree?

It's Over

It's all done! That's all I can say. The only thing left to do is to pick up the letter and it's over. What a nightmare for the past few days. It was really scary when I started receiving threats from this guy. Throughout the process, I was wondering what did I do that I deserve to go through all this madness. I was really glad when the papers were signed he stop SMS-ing. Somehow after these past few days, I am seriously thinking whether I should go back to my studies. I really feel like I need to, go back for Psychology, perhaps majoring in Counselling and make a career out of it. I felt that maybe God has something else in his plan for me.


After receiving 40++ SMSes in 2 days from 1 person, I surprised myself with my diplomacy and patience. And trust me, these are messages with CAPITAL LETTERS throughout. It really get onto my nerves by end of the 1st day. We finally come to an agreement. 450 for the dog. Without the cert. I prayed to God, cross my fingers that this will be it. And I hope he wont be harrassing me after this. Money - checked Pictures -checked Contract - emm... still working on it.

Taking back

"It's not about money that saddened me, it's the promise and words that was taken back." I told Kevin last night. That was the dilemma that I have to go through yesterday. I broke a family's hard by asking something back from them. Yes, I know the dog doesn't belong to me in the 1st place. But I was the mediator between the owner and the new owner. After a week of finding a good home for the dog, the previous owner wants it back, threatened to lodge police report. He has his case, as there was no proof that he agrees to let it go in the 1st place. With all the harassment done on a family, I have to get it back to him. It really breaks my heart and I am feeling really guilty for what has happened. Was I at fault for all this to happen? Numerous of SMSes and calls has been made and received, I can't sleep well at all. Wondering what was the lesson behind all this havoc? In my last SMS: "I believe the dog is actually safer and happier with your...

Old friends

I've known Sandz for 9 years, entering our 10 years of friendship by now. We started to get close only in the final year of study in UMS. Jules, I've known her since 1st year of secondary school. That's 16 years ago. Eric, I knew him the same year I know Jules, but he was in a different class back then. We became really clsoe after graduated from high school and he remembered to call me when ever he is around. Zura, I've known her since the 1st day in DHL. She was my senior, and we became really close after that. Until today. Time span? 3 years. I've known Irfan for 4 years plus, coming to 5 years now. He's more like a brother to me, we've been housemates for the past 2.5 years. Kevin, 6 months, my housemate and another close friend of me. We think alike in lots of stuffs, crazy bout F1 and Man U. I don't have that many close friends in life. But I really treausre all 6 of them here. Each and everyone provide me some reason to hold on, to liv...