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My 1st Ever Wish List

Given the person in me a few months back this question, "What do you want for your birthday?", my answer might sounded something like this, "It's OK. You don't have to give me anything." Yeah rite.. I'm always conscious of not putting others into trouble to get me something and not receiving from anyone, if I wasn't desperate enough.

Perhaps I'm more comfortable as a giver, rather a receiver. There's a tiny voice in me that keep reminding me that being a giver is better than receiving. Maybe it's the moral values that I'm holding on so rigidly all these years. Jules and Sandz told me before that I needed to love myself more. I couldn't understand that actually. I felt happy when people who received from me were happy. It's the act of giving that made me feel happy, or honestly, it made me felt that I'm a good person. And I never think that I deserved anything from anyone. A really troubling side of me huh?

Today, when I went out wiv Jules for a drink at Starbucks, I realized that I'm into something that I've never thought that I would be able to do. Having wishes. I have so many things that I wished to have, to do, places to go... I thought that it would be a great start by actually listing things that I really wished for. So, here goes the list.
  1. Getting my Masters Degree - And of course, another 4 yrs of PhD. I know it'll be tough, I know it'll take up another 2 yrs in my life, but I havn't been this sure before. And i really hope that I'll be able to lecture in the uni someday.
  2. My very own digital camera - that will probably be the next 'to buy' list after i get my salary. I have an urge to take pictures of family, friends, events, experiences, places etc...
  3. Travelling around the world!!! - Cambodia, Indonesia, Australia, Greece, Netherlands, Italy, South Africa etc.... And of course, i want pics of every place i visited and experienced! Really gotta start saving money for this, or get a rich husband to pay for my travel fees. Wahahaha (evil laugh)...
  4. Paying off my study loan from PTPTN before going 30 - Is it possible?
  5. Lose some flab from my arms! - I'll be getting my 1st set of dumbells by the next weekend, i hope, and say farewell to my "bye bye arms"... It's really a self image problem, and it's damn hard to fit those arms into clothes. Sigh.. nothing can be done bout the weight. Mum says it's big heavy bones..
  6. To get my prediction for World Cup 2006 right for the finals.. hahahaha, this is a desperate wish.
  7. Laptop!!!! And a really good one!!! - This might be a little bit later to fulfill due to restrained financial abilities.
  8. My own room, or better still, my own apartment! - Ok, 2 yrs time for a room, and 5 yrs for an apartment.. realistic enough?
  9. To be able to drive again - Another sad case for me...
  10. Starting a business.... - Hmm.... How does this get in here..?

That's basically everything that's in mind now. All i can hope is to work hard to get all these wishes fulfill. Or if anyone interested, No. 2 can be fulfill by the end of the year. =P

World Cup 2006 updates: 3rd place playoff (Germany vs. Portugal: 3-1)... Finals tomorrow! Yay!!


way to go girl!!! having wishes are good.~ it keeps you going...
deaflisteners said…
Yup. From now on, gonna pamper myself reasonably and enjoy life.

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