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Runner's High

When you set goals, it is easier to achieve as you know what you want to do. I told myself to do 5km yesterday, and despite being stressful after work, I managed to push myself to it.

Time  : 51:59 mins
Distance : 5.00 km
Calories burned : 385

Big improvement from the day before, and I can only say that it's definitely the best stress buster. This is what we called the runner's high. You feel so good after a good run, you forget the pain, the breathlessness, the tired leg muscles, the sweat that flows through. What exactly is "Runner's High" then? Why is running or exercise is a happy thing? Did some reading and this is what I have gotten so far.

There are some hormones that our body will release during exercising:

1) Endorphins - hormones that was released to block feelings of pain and make you happy.

2) Estrogen - responsible in determining whether to burn fat or carbs for energy. Women tends to burn fat due to higher estrogen level.

3) Dopamine - Pleasure hormone, usually associated with orgasm. There's a term called 'coregasm' which has the similar effects by core workouts.

4) Growth Factors - A chemical which works like hormones, in charge of getting muscle growth and repairing after exercise.

5) Serotonin - The happy hormones. Responsible for restful sleep, happiness and healthy appetite. The more you exercise, the higher level of serotonin will be.  (That's a motivation!) Moreover, it clears your mind and make you a sharper thinker. (Who doesn't want that?)


Well, since, there's so much pros than cons for exercising, there's no reason I should stop running. One of the reasons that I keep running is there's tonnes of goals and targets that I can set and achieve. Longer distance, better times, challenging routes..

So what are you waiting for?


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