I have a sudden urge to write on paper. And all i could find is this piece of receipt in my wallet. Hope that i dun hv to use this one again.
Although tired, I actually enjoyed the current state of tranquility. No nagging behind my ears, no complaints about my brothers, no tasks to be done, or more like nothing that can be done...
It's just a simple morning, with a cup of freshly brewed coffee, 2 donuts and a newspaper which i could finally read it thoroughly. This is the Sunday morning that I've been craving for quite some time. At home, this piece of tranquility, peacefulness and stressless state of mind is impossible to achieve. What a great start to a long day...
I was in Seremban Terminal One's Dunkins Donuts having my breakfast when i wrote this. What an odd place to feel peacefulness don't you think?