Some things are not meant to be said and some words, are created to make changes. Either its for good or bad, it changes the status quo. And humans, generally don't like changes.
I have said something that is not meant to be heard or said. I regretted it. Cause it changed my current life. I was happy before, shortly before today. But now, I am feeling empty. Perhaps I do not know where to head to from here. Life is confusing, and everything that we see and touch, even feel are illusion. It's doesn't stay. One day when I leave this world, everything will be gone. Even the memories, be it sweet or bitter, it will be all gone.
Words are more powerful than knives. The scars that it made on one person, it can never be erase or healed. It stays there forever, and yet, the only way to remove it will be the day we die.
A friend told me, love is illusion, so is life. I don't agree and I argued. I wonder where is the truth in what he said. But slowly, I am beginning to feel that way. All these things in front of our eyes. They are just illusion and unreal. Is it because our surroundings make us bitter with life? Bitter bout being alive? We will never be satisfied with what we have.
I like this quote from C. S. Lewis:
Why love if losing hurts so much?