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I'm kinda under the weather these days, moody and unstable.

I don't know what I can do. Feeling relatively alone. Even though there are friends around, but I'm heading no where. Perhaps just really anti-social.

More friends are getting married, not that I wasn't invited, just perhaps it's due to my personal dislike of weddings. I skipped most of it. If one day, I ever get married, I don't think I will invite any one. Maybe few of my close friends, which is only a handful. No relatives aside from my parents and siblings. Thats all. NO hassle.

One question that I asked few people these days. If one day, I went missing, not replying emails or phone or anything for days or even months, where do they think I will be? They are afraid that I might do something stupid like committing suicide. Seriously, I won't. At least not at this point.

Tomorrow, is yet another day. Another day to work, and I feel really tired. Not sleepy, but tired. Maybe I should really just go away from all this. Give myself a break. A long break if possible.


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