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Here I am, alone at home.

Both my housemates has plans to go out. I can't help feeling lonely tonight. Then, I realized that I don't have much friends to hang out. Really have this feeling of going to Starbucks, grab a coffee and see some strangers.

SY, you are not getting any younger.

I know. But I am not looking for a spouse. Not yet. I am not ready. I need someone by my side though. Someone that will encourage me to move on. Someone that will love me for who I am. Not someone that they want to make me into.

SY, time to move on with life.

I want to. I thought I can live alone. Without anyone. Just to realize, I am not that strong after all.

Now what?

Hitting the gym, shower, go Starbucks, grab a latte, read a book. That's another day.


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