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M'sian Education System sucks!

Malaysian education system has been criticized throughout the years. While many boasted about its quality since the passes rate for all the public examinations has risen annually, one could only wonder this 'information' really truly reflects the scenario of our education system.

I could remember the year when i sat for my UPSR (Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah) as a SRJK student (a.k.a. Chinese/Indian school). We were asked to choose to sit for the SK (National School) paper for Malay Language if we desire to skip remove class (the transition from standard 6 to form 1). I took up the challenge as i was quite confident wiv my malay language level at that time. Those who refuse to take the 'more challenging' paper are destined to continue to remove class after standard 6.

The reason (or more like an 'excuse' to me) are chinese and indian students in SRJK schools are performed poorly in their Malay Language. Spending another year to adapt to the language will help them to cope with the syllabus which was in Malay in secondary school. Ok..fine. We took the damn challenging paper, and i scored As in bothe the writing and comprehension paper. One would think that i'll be induce to form 1, but hell no! The education department came up with a good excuse to stop me from moving ahead: In order to skip remove class, the pupil need to receive all As in other subjects, and at least Cs in the SK paper. What he f***! I'm one of the unfortunate ones, where I only manage a B in my Chinese Writing paper. And yes, i was doomed to waste a year in the remove class. Stupid shit!

Any normal person will realized that this whole thing was just another agenda to stop us, particularly the minorities to advanced in our education. I suffered from this humilation and i felt like serving a death sentence for a year in the remove class. Apart from the times when we were playing UNO with our teacher in the class.

After a decade, the rules doesn't apply any more. But other issues have surfaced.

  1. School bags for primary school student are reported to be too heavy to carry, and it might hurt their back. Teachers n parents are so kiasu that their students and children will be left out from the fierce competition.
  2. The high scorers (all those As) in the public exams, are they for real? We are being very sceptical over the quality of our public exam. Some of this high scorer cant perform in tertiary levels.
  3. The cases of teachers' lacking quality, especially in secondary schools. Imagine this, teachers strayed from work, do not enter classes, do not give homeworks etc..
  4. This is a new one: The gifted students are not being nurtured properly. The talent are wasted when they government can make use of this great minds. Some even ended up as fishmonger. Check this article out:
  5. And yeah, how can we forget about the racial quota of tertiary entrees into our public uni?
  6. And the AUKU law.. it really kills of all the critical thinking in uni students.
  7. the list is actually endless, but i'm kinda tired to think now..i'll just update it soon..

The bottom line is, The M'sian Education System sucks! There's a one whole universe-sized of space to improve. Our government better come up wiv improvements, and i mean rational, brilliant improvements, not those dumb ones. Or else, we will lose all our advantages of being one of the education hub in asia. We need quality education. We have the talents and we need the ample nurturing for it.

My friend from Indonesia commented that the education in Malaysia is dying. She won't even let her son to study here because she's afraid of the bad influence from the education culture.


Anonymous said…
What a tough experience you have gone through but,to state that malaysian education suck, just no the way it is.Its not all that having those kind of problem actually.As I'm very grateful to be a part of the Malaysian education system as a student I mean.But those kind of problem must be fix up by the ministry as soon as posssible and accordingly.
Anonymous said…
What a tough experience you have gone through but,to state that malaysian education suck, just no the way it is.Its not all that having those kind of problem actually.As I'm very grateful to be a part of the Malaysian education system as a student I mean.But those kind of problem must be fix up by the ministry as soon as posssible and accordingly.

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