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How far would you go?

Everyone has dreams and targets in life, some are even obssessed with target setting. Perhaps it's due to my nature of work, I hate targets and I hate setting targets. It actually constrain one self into doing repetitive work and routine day in day out, just to achieve that 'particular' target. Where is self-enhancement and personality growth in this? THIS is the problem working in an MNC.

Put aside targets in work, I remembered one of my friends, back in Uni, she set herself a target to have a family before she turns 30. 8 years down the road, she's a divorcee. When I asked what changes, she said, she was too impatient to get married back then. She has a son, but the custody was given to her ex-husband and she can only see him once in a month. Sad? Regrets? Maybe she has her own mind on it. But I can feel that she is relieved, being given a 2nd chance in life outside the stressful marriage.

People do silly things just to achieve something that they are craving. In relationships, girls and guys does many silly things just to ensure that their target person pay full attention to them and them only. And I have a fair share of all these experience.

Another friend of mine, we were classmates for a very short period during pre-u. She was working as a tuition teacher and teaching music as well to earn her tuition fees. Then one day, she fell for one of our seniors back then. Albeit knowing the guy did not have the same interest in her, she bought him a wallet to please him, worth RM 600! Back then, for us who are still studying, there's hell lot of money. And she's willingly give it away as a present. And the guy, accepted the gift of 'love' without any guilt. She continued to shower him with gifts and presents up to the day when she couldn't even afford to buy herself lunch and she never even feel regret. The point is clear, that's how far she can go to get what she wants.

What bout those girls who spend basically nothing on food, just to save for a designer's bag with a hefty price tag? Some might even venture into prostitution and do part times, just to get their hands on all those branded stuffs. Are all this target even real or worth it? To them, definitely.

Not to forget those people who back-stabbed each other in the office, just to allow them to climb up the corporate ladder. It can be that bad, that they might not have 2nd thoughts to get rid of their competition. What do you call these people, are they just being competitive or are they ethically and morally corrupted? It's a fine line on how to differentiate it.

Thoughts for the day?

What would you do to reach your dreams, to get something that you really really want? Be it money, career, lifestyle, bf/gf, or any materials basically.

Do have a thought on this, and think, how far would you go?


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