Few minutes ago, I cancelled the games that I used to play like mad on FB. No more Mafia Wars or Cafe World. They are out of my life once and for all.
It has been tough to put up on it and seriously I don't have much time for all that from now on. No more late night updates on the games. I have much more to do and achieve in my hands now.
Still few more things to go:
1) Myspace
2) Tagged
3) Netlog - cancelled 1 account, 1 more to go.
4) Zorpia
5) Friendster
Item (1) - (5): I don't even remember the passwords.. How la.
Looking back on all this social network, it's really hilarious. I never recall how many social network site that I have registered through out the years. How silly was I to meet people virtually. It does impacted me as I am never a social person and I'm much comfortable going online.
I guess, having FB as the sole so-called "Social point" is enough. I don't need 5 other sites that offers similar thing. Alright, back to work!