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Tiny voice of a Malaysian...

With recent and current uproars about price hikes in eletricity, petrol and almost everything else (even my nasi lemak got up by 20 cents!), the government better do something to regain the trust and support from Malaysians. If the current trend keeps going, Pak Lah and his cabinet ministers will definitely have a tough time ahead. If the national election is in the near future, the chances of BN losing their seats in large numbers will be almost certain.

What happened to today's Malaysia? With the recent blunder of Datuk Said's "close one eye" issue, people are beginning to lose their faith in the present government. Many starts questioning about the corruption phenomenon in Malaysia. How bad it is? Why do we even have ACA if they are not doing their jobs? One could only wonder how effective is Pak Lah's policy against corruption. Our newspapers have been infested by many governmental blunders and comedies. It's quite amusing to see that some of our YBs are actually natural born comedians. This is truly alarming as it reflects on how our country works. I guess, our southern neighbours are laughing their asses out if they actually read our newspapers.. sigh.

Schools and many government projects were constructed without quality control. I still remember what happened in my uni sometime back. The walls are already cracking and the building its not even 10 yrs old! Worse still, there was a case of the ceiling crashing down in a lab. Although we were feeded the information that ther wasn't any problems with the building's structure, we don't really buy it at all.

I really hope the government are aware of our growing insecurity towards them, and hopefuly, they'll respond by making life easier for all of us. And of course, "intelligent" policies are urgently needed in this age of chaos. That's all i can do with my tiny voice, grumbling through this low-traffic blog of mine, which i highly doubted that they will ever listen to it.

Well, since there's nothing can do about the price hike by grumbling over it, we might be well taking some measures to deal with it. Check out the suggestions in Life's Like That. Sarcastic but true. I can see many mummies are smiling now, or at least i could see my mum smiling when i share this with her. Wonder will mum apply this rules to us?


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